The Fight Against Depression


Many people in the world struggle with depression. Depression is a mental health disorder where people experience feelings of sadness, lack of energy, and a lack of desire to do things they once enjoyed. If you have ever been diagnosed with depression, you probably know how challenging it can be on individuals and families. Some people begin to think that there may not be any help for them in the future and that these feelings will never end. Fortunately, there are many counseling services and health professionals who can treat this disorder.  

Primary Care Physicians

The first place to turn for help is your primary care physician. While they do not specialize in mental health, family physicians usually have screening tools that can help them to diagnose depression. When you get to your doctor's office, they will most likely have you fill out a form indicating how you have been feeling. This is an important screening tool and should be filled out as truthfully as possible. Many primary care physicians also draw blood to measure hormone and thyroid levels. Once your doctor is sure that you are really experiencing depression and not just a slump, they will likely refer you to a mental health professional such as a psychologist or psychiatrist. 

People often use the terms 'psychologist' and 'psychiatrist' interchangeably, but they are actually very different. While they are both mental health professionals, they would each help someone through depression in different ways.


Psychologists usually use talk therapy to help people through their challenges. Since they are not medical doctors, they cannot prescribe medications. Many psychologists use cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help their clients change how they think about problems, which will hopefully affect how they act. This can be a very helpful form of therapy. 


Psychiatrists are medical doctors who have specialized in mental health. These physicians use medicine, talk therapy, psychoanalysis, and other forms of therapy to treat clients over several years. If medication is prescribed, they follow up frequently in order to assure that the medication is being taken properly and is working as desired. 

In conclusion, depression may feel like it is taking over your life, but there are ways to combat it. With the help of medical and mental health professionals like Barbara Saban, LCSW, you can find your way out of the darkness and into the sunshine. Talk to a primary care physician about how to get the process of treatment moving forward.  


22 November 2019

Talking About Your Problems

When I was younger, my parents didn't like us to talk about our problems. Instead of voicing our concerns, my parents encouraged us to work on our issues privately. Although this attitude taught me a great deal about personal strength, it has made it hard for me to talk about my problems with other people. After two failed marriages, I realized that the lack of communication could hurt my ability to work well with coworkers, spouses, roommates, and friends. In an attempt to correct my bad habits, I started working with a professional counselor, which made an immediate difference in my life. I know that counseling can help you too, which is why I created a website dedicated to communication and counseling.